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Approved Honeywell Notifier Installers – TF Installations

There is no doubt that Notifier fire alarm systems are the leading company on the market. They are very well renowned for their product quality, flexibility and endurance. This is why TF Installations were pleased to become one of their approved Notifier installers in the UK. We have joined a very elite group of professional electrical and fire safety installers that have qualified to be able to commission and maintain your Notifier system.

Notifier help to ensure the consistency and efficiency of their fire safety systems through the thorough factory-based training of all their ESDs (Engineered Systems Distributors). This means that only Notifier trained and approved installation partners have direct access to their extensive product range, cutting edge technical knowledge and support.

This way, you can have complete confidence that you are working closely with an extremely competent company that possesses the necessary skills and industry knowledge to deliver the very highest of fire safety standards.

Working with TF Installations

Our dedicated team of fire safety experts can provide you with an extensive range of Notifier fire detection solutions directly to business owners. We work hard to build an honest and strong working relationship with all of our clients and take extra care to pay attention to your individual needs. We understand that not every business set up is exactly the same, so we treat each of our happy clients as individuals and offer our services with a great deal of flexibility to meet your specific fire detection needs.

Choosing Honeywell Notifiers for your business premises is a wise choice because their products are designed and manufactured to meet every major international approval, including LPCB, VdS, UL, ULC and BOSEC/ ANPI. You will know your fire safety will be in the safest of hands by combining these top of the range products with the services of TF Installations as your professional Notifier installers.

TF Installations was founded in 2012 as a dedicated specialist company dealing specifically with Fire Detection, fire alarm system design and Security Systems for business premises – both large and small.

We rapidly became one of the most respected and relied upon fire safety system installation specialists across London and the South East after being hired by a series of very high profile customers looking for professional fire installation services that include extra value services and use innovative and trusted fire safety equipment such as Notifier products. It is our aim to consistently meet and exceed our clients’ high expectations of our service.

Our specialist team mainly work directly for business users in the commercial sector. Not only are TF Installations registered Notifier installers, we also offer a comprehensive range of electrical services to our client base. Our services include end-to-end care right from your initial contact and consultation with us to the design, installation and ongoing maintenance of your fire safety system and equipment.

We can offer you regular fire safety testing, servicing, repairs, replacements and ongoing maintenance and technical support. This includes identifying your individual fire safety needs according to your building layout, the type of business you operate and the risks involved, determining options and designing systems at the most competitive cost without compromising quality.

Notifier Installers

Back in 2012 when we were appointed as an Engineered Systems Distributor (ESD) for Notifier Fire Systems, we were proud to be recognised as one of their elite approved specialists. We have also gone on to be recognised by this innovative manufacturer and presented with many various awards for the proven quality of our Notifier installations and level of service being delivered within both large and small design and installation projects across London and the South East.

Forging our strong partnership with Notifier has enabled us to offer our own clients the very best service possible through the supply and fit of the world’s leading fire safety equipment. As we have a solid, ongoing business relationship with Notifier, we are able to operate our fire safety installation services with the backing of a leading multinational company renowned for their high quality products, in-depth research and cutting edge fire prevention technology.

Fire protection risks and awareness within the business sector has grown rapidly over recent years. However, there are still busy business owners that struggle to keep up with the latest Fire & Safety legislation and what they should be doing to remain compliant with current Fire Safety laws.

TF Installations should be your first port of call if you are a business owner or manager that needs help with your fire safety system. Our expert team of fire safety specialists are here to help and advise you about your fire safety compliance and what fire safety measures you should have in place to protect the lives of your employees and anyone else working or visiting your business premises.

Because of our collective experience and knowledge within the Fire Safety Industry, our main focus is about delivering the perfect solution for each of our individual clients according to their requirements. We don’t offer a one-size-fits-all solution because we know that can be very impractical, especially when you are dealing with the real-life protection of your employees and business premises.

If it’s time for you to replace or upgrade your fire safety equipment, then do not hesitate to talk to our friendly staff about our services. We are here to help!